

ATI Wah Chang

Wah Chang -A Member of Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI). In 1916, mining engineer K.C. Li founded a trading company for the refinement and export or tungsten and antimony ores from his native China. Li called his new company Wah Chang, meaning "great development" - and over the next several decades his company earned that name, pioneering the creation of new specialty metals and alloys. Starting with 140 employees and a single building on 45 acres, Wah Chang expanded its repertoire of refractory and reactive metals to include niobium, hafnium, vanadium and tantalum, as well as titanium. As the company's product lines grew, so did the variety of industries it served, including aerospace, chemical processing, energy production, medical and consumer goods. Today, …

ATI Wah Chang

Country: USA
Address: P.O. Box 460 Albany-Oregon
Postal Code: 97321
Website: http://www.alleghenytechnologies.com/wahchang

ATI Wah Chang

Address: P.O. Box 460 Albany-Oregon Postal Code: 97321 Website: http://www.alleghenytechnologies.com/wahchang

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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